Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Through My Eyes

I have seen the best minds of my generation
staring into the oblivion that
is this world of melded metal and flesh.

The battles of previous generations are
meaningless compared to the one mine faces;
we try to find a reason to exist in a world
where all things are empty and devoid of
reason or purpose.

So we choose our hiding places to replace
the lost meaning.
a joint, a bottle, television
Or watching and wondering who in Tinsle town
is sexing up who or which "Star" does more
coke then a hooker gets semen.

So let us all turn and thank those who came
before us for giving us a world that is
dying and all aspects of society are
infected by political correctness and corruption.

They sit hidden from the world behind
their seats of inscrutable power and
pretend to be perfect while at home
their wives lie beaten and their daughter’s panties
lay stained by fathers cum.

Drunks with money play the big boy
game of politics and idiots who couldn’t
read anything but coloring books are in charge.

In roman style Americans are kept
happy with bread and circus except
the bread is a cheeseburger with two thousand
calories and the circus is the only thing
more meaningless then life and that’s pretend
life viewed through a box.

Orgies and vomitoriums are well on their
way for we all eat and fuck till
we are sick and con no longer eat
or copulate any more.

And the most fucked concepts in this world
are Morals and Grammar.

So the only thing left is me and you.
So I shall bear myself to you.

I am the disease that will infect
the minds of the youth and turn them
against you.

And I will rise up unstoppable to do
what I must to make you see through
my eyes.

I will leave you scarred and scared
and I will rejoice in your tears as it
means I have reached you.

You who will lie awake at night
and ponder the images of your minds
own creation.

You who will take me into yourself
and become infected with the ailment
there is no cure for.

You who will hate me and scorn me
even as you love and adore yourself
for what I stir in you.

You who will rejoice in the tears of
others and will giggle at their emptiness
as it fills with what your bring them.

You who will pine away with "Hot Theopathy"
for what O will serve to everyone and
to you alone.

You who will be murdered inside by me
so that you will be reborn in a way that
you may understand.

You who will never see the raw beauty
that you are that inspires me to
need you in flesh and mind.

You who will burn with desire and
nothing will stop you and when you read
you shall come at the first word.

You who will cheat death only to
live a life ten thousand times worse
then that which you escaped.

You who will sacrifice everything so
that you may one day be something
that I desire.

You who will never see my face yet
feel you know who I really am
hidden deep within.

You who will get down on your knees
to both pray to an uncaring god
and then to suck cock.

You who will stop at nothing to hide
your secrets from a world that
wouldn’t understand.

You who will die to preserve the honor
of a fools and that fools father though
they had none in the first place.

You who will never leave home or
look at a woman other then your
own mother and you wish things that
Mr. Ginsburg wouldn't say and I won’t say for him.

You who will live to please but will only to pain your
lovers and plague the world with disgust as
you try to pass yourself off as something other then a hack.

You who will pretend to be one
that you are not because you are
not interested in yourself

You will fuck me and Bon Jovi and
Bruce Lee and Mr. Pound and Dante
just to say you did.

I am not human.
I am a god in flesh.
I do as I must, not as I please.
I choose to please you.
I love to live,
and I live to offend you.
I have marked you.
I have come to claim your soul.

I got really bored and decided to look through my old Da account and found an old poem I wrote a while ago.

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