Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Model Citizen

So the other day I was surfing the Internet for porn. This is not that unusual of an occurrence honestly but that day was different. I happened to stumble across a picture of an extremely skinny woman. I thought she was fucking hot. I wanted more. So after searching around my usual sites I found myself at YouTube. I searched for skinny, then anorexic and there i got what I was looking for. I found a video of this extremely nice thin girl who just looked....Yum. As I watched this video I quickly found out she was formerly anorexic, had lots of problems and almost died from not eating. All I could think was well damn it made her look good. That is when the video led me to the now pictures of her. I was disgusted. I hate to say it but she gained around 100 pounds. She still weighed under 200 but it looked like she had a beer gut for Christs sake! She went on to talk about how her boyfriend was the person who helped her out. I cant help but think if I was her boyfriend at around 120 pounds I would have started making passive aggressive back handed compliments along the lines of "You're filling out very nicely baby." Or how about "A girl with meat on her bones turns me on...I guess." I might even get as bad as telling her the next costume party we go to she could go as a dead ringer for Carnie Wilson or more realistically Danielle Fishelle. (Of Wilson Phillips and Boy Meets World respectively) As I watched the video again I was struck by the fact that despite that she is obviously in a good deal of pain due to her issues I didn't care. In the beginning I saw a beautiful attractive slim woman I would have loved to go for a roll in the hay with and on the other I saw a fat woman I wouldn't have wanted to go on a car ride with much less pay for her to go out to dinner with me. I wondered if this made me a shitty human being and then I came to the conclusion. No it did not. There are many reasons why I am a shitty human being but the fact of the matter is even if the media culture has saturated my head with images of anorexic bitches and made me want to go a round or two with them it is my sexual preference. So now we get to the whole point of today's blog. Why does everyone have their rights protected except the people who are concisely conforming to the masses? There are many activists Gay Rights, Civil Rights, Women's Lib, Religious Rights, Hell even Pedophiles have their own activists. (http://www.section21.m6.net/prf-activism.php) So why is it that with all this activism going on, that in my very own head, I feel as if I should be a piss poor human being for rubbing out a few knuckle children to an overly skinny nineteen year old woman. Why is it that when a woman overheard me discussing this dilemma inside a Denny's restaurant that she told me I was just another oppressive asshole for playing into an over used stereotype? Personally I believe in entirely equal rights for all human beings regardless of their Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Sexual Preference, Whether they choose to smoke or not, or even if they choose to believe in a higher power. Old people and pedophiles are different story and I will get to that at a later point. I'm not saying that all woman have to be skinny and wear slutty outfits for my viewing pleasure. I'm just saying appreciate the ones that do...

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